To the Gong and back
The Bug - Kawasaki ZX9R Time in lieu and public holidays are great things, especially when a weekend falls in between them. The Australian Alps. I've not heard a bad word about the roads up into the Alps. Up until this point in time, the furthest I'd been is up to Omeo via Bairnsdale. I'd rate it as one of the best rides I've been on based on the road surface, grip, vision and corners. If the rest of the Alpine Road was of the same quality I knew I was going to be in for some fantastic riding. Good old google maps The Route. Starting from Melbourne I'd slab it to Ensay, then head up to Omeo, Mitta Mitta, Towong, through Mt Kosciusko, Jindabyne then to Cooma. From there I'd either go north to Canberra and go coastal to Wollongong or inland and head into Wollongong through Macquarie Pass. Road trip on the cheap. As I was planning on doing this trip on a budget I decided I'd camp along the way at free camp spots I found using the WikiCa...